MAKE YOUR MARK | Every dollar makes a difference!

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Making a world of difference since 1993!

This year is MedWish International's 30th anniversary.

Whether you're new to MedWish or have been part of our efforts since the beginning, we hope you will join us as we mark this exciting milestone. We have a lot planned for 2023 and will be keeping this page updated all year long showcasing our operations, stories from our MedWish family, and ways that YOU can MAKE YOUR MARK!

December feature:

What does your dollar do?

Your dollars are the cog that keeps the MedWish machine going.

At MedWish, we believe that every person deserves access to quality medical supplies and equipment, regardless of their location or economic status. That's why we work tirelessly to bridge the gap between excess and need.

That's where you come in. Your generous donations help us cover the costs of collecting, storing, and preparing these items for distribution.


There are many ways to support our 30th anniversary. See below for three ideas and check back throughout the year for more!

Make your mark with MedWish! Help us continue making a world of difference and make your gift today!

Join us on Wednesday, December 20th at Whistle & Keg Taproom in Cleveland for a Holiday Humanitarian Happy Hour!

Email with your favorite MedWish Moment, video, or photos to share throughout the year!


Humanitarian Happy Hours, MedWish Medical Brigades, and the Band Aid Bash all made a comeback in 2023!


MedWish International surpassed 600 Local Giving orders this week! In the midst of a busy day of supply and equipment pick ups at our warehouse, we managed to capture our Local Programs Assistant, Portia, fulfilling an order for a MetroHealth social worker's client, which included canes and a wheelchair.

We are so thrilled to be able to connect with so many local organizations that allow us to provide greater access to medical supplies and equipment within our community!
There is much to consider, and it has been an inspiring process that reflects the 1+1=3 impact promise of our combined MedWish and Medworks mission! We would love your input through the survey linked in our bio!

We recognize our approach is a little risky since our final decision will not reflect all of the good ideas offered to us. However, power of community is one of the strongest common values connecting MedWish and Medworks. We are grateful that we have such a large and diverse community and your input is important to us.

Click the link in our bio to access the survey, which should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Please submit by July 21, 2024.

celebrate with us

To follow the conversation online,
follow @medwishintl on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for the latest,
and use the hashtag: #MedWishTurns30.

Special thanks to our medwish makers

Videra K. & W. Daniel Waldron (2)
the ratners (1)
shark & Minnow
ponsky family
website buttons MW makers logo
martha richeson - MW maker

Become a MedWish Maker

MedWish's lifesaving work would not be possible without our incredible supporters. Our generous community has enabled MedWish to grow from our humble roots in 1993 to where we are today. We need your help to build upon this foundation and impact more lives locally and globally.

If you are interested in making a major gift to MedWish in 2023, consider becoming a MedWish Maker! MedWish Maker gifts range from $5,000-$30,000 and come with some exciting exclusive benefits.

To learn more, click the button below or contact Allison Busser or Britta Latz.