2020 Beirut Disaster Relief Response Report

The catastrophic explosion that devastated Lebanon’s capital on August 4, 2020 left its healthcare system in disarray. Immediately upon receiving the shocking news, MedWish International moved into action. We connected with many of Beirut’s hospitals to assess their most critical needs. At a time when it wasn’t clear when and if damaged hospitals would be functional again, we started our Beirut Disaster Relief Fund campaign to assist healthcare institutions.
In just a few days, our incredible donors helped us raised nearly $50,000 to allow MedWish to start immediately deploying thousands of pounds of medical supplies and equipment. The need was broad, and it wasn’t just for beds and PPE. It was for ventilators, wound care supplies, surgical equipment – everything imaginable.
With the support of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut and reputable partners in the U.S. and in Beirut, we deployed 5 containers by sea and more than 24 pallets were airlifted. In total, we shipped $1,284,610 worth of medical supplies and equipment to 12 healthcare institutions. The MedWish team worked around the clock to provide direct relief.
Today, we continue to speak with generous donors interested in assisting many more facilities in Lebanon, and we are working tirelessly to continue to meet the needs of the affected healthcare institutions. Our focus has shifted from an emergency response to a long-term recovery process, with additional $500,000 worth of medical supplies and equipment on its way to Lebanon.
It has been an honor and a privilege to serve the Lebanese community during this unprecedented time. We are humbled by the trust and the generosity of our donors and partners, and we are grateful for your commitment and the impact that it’s made on our efforts. We couldn’t have done this without each and every one of you.
Click here to read MedWish’s 2020 Beirut Disaster Relief Response report.
With my most sincere appreciation,
Carolina Masri
Executive Director